The Former Website of the Long Beach Chiropractic District

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Mr. Alfred Calabro is
a 79-year-old patient 
of Dr. Hall and was 
inspired to write a 
tribute to the doctor 
and the profession. 
He developed a poster 
illustrating his words 
and he sent me a copy:
The Chiropractor

My low back hurts
I can't stand straight
My whole spine seems
a figure 8

My neck feels stiff
It's got a kink
The pain's so bad
I cannot think

And when I walk
it's with a limp
I turn my hips
I get a crimp

Afraid to move
I cannot dress
I feel I am
an awful mess

I really must
go see a doctor
The man who is
my chiropractor

With healing hands
and gentle touch
He finds the spots
that hurt so much

A pulling here
a thrusting there
He moves my spine
with tender care

My low back's better
my neck feels fine
I once more have
a straightened spine

My hips turn free
I now stand straight
Know somethin' Doc
You're really great!

Alfred A. Calabro
Copyright 2002
All rights reserved
To order a poster
of this poem, contact:

Mr. Alfred A. Calabro
Calabro Law Offices
128 S Isabel St 
Glendale, CA 91205

Write for CCA journal

Dear Directors:

As the new editor of the CCA Journal, I would like to take this opportunity to let you or any of your members know that any CCA member can write an article that will be considered for publication in the Journal.

All articles go before the Journal Advisory Committee and will be reviewed for content, accuracy and  usefulness. They should also follow the mission statement and goals of the CCA wherever applicable.

Would you please make it known among your district  members that article for future publication are being accepted at this time.  Please have them email all prospective articles to me at for evaluation.

Thank you very much in advance. Remember, the Journal is YOUR publication, and we intend to project the vision of our new President as we project ourselves into the area of wellness docs for the public.

Kenneth Martin D.C.

September 26, 2005 least one person was listening to the membership presentation Saturday morning!  Check this out...oh...and the author does apologize to his grade school teachers for all the grammatical errors but explained it was easier to make the words rhyme.  I thought it was pretty cool that someone took the time to put this together.
Think you know who it is?  It's not Tracy Cole this time...
Membership benefits,
No small affairs,
CCA works,
For DC's, we cares.
The Member Resource Line,
Answers a phone call away,
Any aspect of practice,
Answers to save the day.
The CCA Website,
Resources for all,
The Members-Only Section,
As a Doctor, you'll walk tall.
The CCA Bulletin Board,
On on-line second opinion,
Knowledgeable practicing Docs,
Expand your practice dominion.
CCA Advantage Newsletter,
Meat and potatoes of practice,
Everything needed to know,
Current and Accurate, the facts is.
Discounted products and services,
Endorsed partners for life,
Insurance and business services,
Save us all a world of strife....
Continuing Education,
Conventions and seminars,
Staying current in patient care,
Great speakers come from afar.
Pay in's cheaper.
Tax deductible,
Easy, simple and true,
This is a no brainer,
The benefit is all for you.
Scott Van Horn 
CCA Membership Sales Director 
(916) 648-2727 ext. 124 


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